Monday, 25 June 2012

Twin power or just double trouble?

Annnnd for today’s second blog I wanted to do an inspiration post. This one is dedicated to Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, whom I love.

Loved them when they were little, didn’t really love them when they dressed like hobos, love them now.

Even though they've been labelled as fashion victims and hopeless dressers, they were named women’s wear designers of the year 2012 and have recently launched their spring/summer collection. Must be doing something right, right?

With 14 films, 4 TV shows, a fashion line and even a stint at singing under their belts (anyone else remember that?) safe to say these beautiful, primal-faced twins have made it big time in the biz.

Side: Mary-Kate is dating 43-year-old Frenchie Oliver Sarkozy (apparently). Ashley is dating JOHNNY DEPP!? This is all heresay, I take no responsibility!

Here’s a look at MK&A through the years:

I know not everyone will like this post, but I happen think they're fashionable and chic. And have done pretty damn good for two girls growing up with the public watching their every move. Kudos.

Politics Schmolitics

As a part of my journalism degree, I’ve had to do a law topic. Hated it at first, but it’s grown on me (surprisingly). Even more surprisingly though, is what I’ve learnt from it.

For example:

Did you know we actually have no “Right of Free Speech” in Australia? 

We’re not America, we have no Bill of Rights. Hence, no free speech. Crazy right? So all those times you’ve screamed ‘IT’S A FREE COUNTRY’ during an argument – forget it. You’re wrong.

Instead we have “Freedom of Political Discussion”. Yeah, cool. An implied freedom of communication on politics and government. Implied. So, it’s like we sort of can talk freely about it, but we sort of can’t. Right?

Not that I understand politics anyway.

You can also sue people who don’t distinguish opinion from fact (in publications) if it’s defamatory (degrading/makes you look bad). Even radio shock jocks can be sued for it unless they say ‘well, in my opinion...’. Cool, huh.

ALSO, probably the most crazy thing I’ve learnt is that we have no legal right to privacy (Bill of Rights thing again). Actually none. People can take photos of us, of our houses and of our cars, we can be watched at all times but legally, nothing is private. Scary.

Anyways, basically all I’ve learnt after 13 weeks of law study is this: journalists are screwed and I will never ever ever EVER  be a lawyer.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Growing up or not growing at all?

Today as I was ‘studying’ (10 mins writing, 2 hours Facebook) I found myself looking at MySpace. Yep, MySpace. Lawl.

Since I chucked a tanty and deleted mine years ago, in a stroke of genius I guessed a friend’s password and voila! I was on.

Looking at all the pictures from what seems like forever ago, I couldn’t help but wonder:

Do we ever really change from who we are in High School?

And I don’t mean physically. Yes, we look better now, we’ve lost weight/put on weight, changed our hair, changed our clothes (thankfully). But, when it comes down to it, we still have the same values.

We are friends with people because they’re cool, or something we aren’t. We look up to people who we deem as successful. We follow trends (or push against them). We enjoy drinking and parties and socialising. We’re still addicted to our phones and the internet. We use food to make us feel better, and sitting in circles is the only way to have a conversation.

We still value ourselves above anyone else. We’re still full of hopes and dreams and wonder. We still gossip, we still have crushes. We make friends. We lose friends. We’re still obsessed with celebrities and clothes and magazines.

So maybe we never really change, we just get older. We might’ve become more worldly, seen new things, met new people but are we actually different?

Maybe we are, maybe we aren’t. But go forth! Young Jedi's:
Travel the world, try new food, meet new people, visit places that amaze you

But never forget that High School (love it or hate it) is part of the reason why you are the way you are.  

Everything's better in hindsight anyway. Am I right, or am I right.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

No Regerts?

 None at all?

Tattoos, tattoos, tattoos

Seems everyone has one/wants one/is in the middle of getting one.

But why?

Why are we so obsessed with inking ourselves? With permanently marking our bodies with a painful needle that digs into the skin and traces patterns?

And, more importantly:  

Why do we call this art?

I grew up learning that art is carefully thought out beautiful pieces of work that show emotion, meaning and depth. Not a southern cross stamped on someone’s back.

I’m in no way saying tattoos are bad – if done right. But why is it that we feel the need to mark our skin with words “Family/Mum/Forever/Sisters/Australia/SUCH IS LIFE”? Can we not remember how important these people/things/places are to us unless they are inked?

On another note: people keep going on and on about how these things are going to look when we’re older...but at this rate our entire generation is going to be old, wrinkly and inked. So shut up with the ‘think about what this will look like when you’re 70’, because...YOLO, right?

Anyway, here’s a few regertful tatts (pun intended):

So, if you're getting/have a tattoo good for you. I just hope you thought it through.

^^unintentional rhyme

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Marrying Miley

With the (VERY publicised) news of southern princess Miley and Aussie heartthrob Liam planning on getting hitched, not many people have been shy on sharing their opinions.

She’s 19! 19? TOO YOUNG! She’s not ready! She’s just a baby! Baby? Must be pregnant!

But really, in of all this:

How young is too young to marry, and do we even have the right to judge?

Miley’s gone through a million more things than pretty much any other 19-year-old. She’s always in the tabloids: eating disorder, new man, gay?, wild child, pregnant.

She’s had to grow up faster than any of us – she’s probably more mature than my mum!

Who is anyone else to judge on whether or not she is in love and knows what she wants? At least they’ve been together for three years. I know people that have gotten engaged after just three months. Three months or three years? Take your pick.

Sure, we live in a time where people (cough KIM KARDASHIAN cough) don’t see marriage as sacred, but at least Liam didn’t propose with three cameras and a director.

So why do we have such a problem letting other people live their lives and fall in love? The gay marriage debate anyone?

IMO people should stop judging and start living their own lives. And here’s to hoping Miley doesn’t break Liam’s achey-breaky heart.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Spray tanning = cancer (apparently)

We live in a world where everything gives us cancer.

Smoking, sunbaking, soft drink, Tim Tams – just to name a few.

But now it seems not only will baking in the sun ruin your body, but so will tanning from a can.


According to a study from the University of Pennsylvania spray tanning is bad bad BAD. The DHA (short for dihydroxyacetone – ingredient that darkens skin) that is in spray tans should not be inhaled or digested. Apparently, the DHA in ‘tanning’ booths as an all-over spray hasn’t even been approved as safe. Yeah, awesome.
Agencies recommend people getting spray tans request something to cover their eyes and prevent inhalation.

Some websites are saying to stay pale, but I say ditch the spray and move back to the creams. At least they don’t give us cancer yet.

Read more here.

Tim Tams = cancer? Yep! CLICK!

That Makes You Homosexual One Direction Spoof!

Even Obama says it’s okay!

You don’t know-ow-OW, you’re a homosexual.

This was recently released by a group called One Orientation parodying One Direction’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’.

Disclaimer reads:

We are ONE DIRECTION FANS! This is not intended to be negative towards the band! We DO NOT THINK THEY ARE GAY!

Yeah, okay.

Check out the tune here:

But, why do we even associate 1D with being gay? Because they don’t dress like they don’t own a mirror?

A Bingle Bungle?

Nope! Seems we all are curious as to what it’s like Being Lara Bingle!

It trended in the Twitterverse WORLDWIDE – so it seems like people do care, one way or the other.

TIP: if you’re being a hater and you decide to express your hate by hash tagging a topic YOU ARE HELPING TO TREND IT. So for that reason, LB’s new show was hash tag number two in Twitter, second only to #BecauseOfOneDirection (um?).

There was lots of love and plenty of hate from the tweeters (“@horanyforlarry: You’re a turkey love.”), but she’s hijacking our lounge rooms and if you don’t like it THEN CHANGE THE BLOODY CHANNEL.

As someone who’s addicted to reality TV, I thought it was great. Seemed genuine, the bit where her Gran yelled at her (over the nude pics) made me feel awkward/embarrassed/sad and when she got pulled over for driving on a suspended licence I wanted to throw a brick at her. Seriously.

 It was nice to see her a-la-naturale for once, and her teeth are so effing white.

Also, why is her brother 28 and only just moving out of home?

Sorry, 28 and moving out of his parents' and into a house with his sister?

@savecallantwit said: "#BeingLaraBingle is like a televised version of the hash tag #firstworldproblems". HI-larious! No really, that one made me giggle.

Really, her life seems pretty damn good (that apartment, anyone?) and I liked the show (not surprising), and whether you’ll admit it or not – there’s probably a (perhaps miniscule) piece of you that wishes you could be her too.

Hey! No judgement here.

Monday, 11 June 2012

The new Girls in town

Move over Carrie and co.! There’s four new girls in town.

Since Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda officially hung up their heels two years ago, things haven’t quite been the same over on HBO.

But apparently it’s happening all over again! Yep! Four young women are gracing the American TV screens with their lives in Manhattan, their ideas of fashion and, of course, their various men-scapades.

Called ‘achingly original’ by The Daily Beast, let’s just take a little look at what HBO’s new show 'Girls' is all about...

It follows Hannah (who is a writer) and her three girlfriends who are all postgrads living the (supposed) dream in NYC. Hannah lives with Marnie, who is uptight and tightly wound. Her other friend Jessa is nomadic and spontaneous and lastly, Shoshanna is supposedly shy and more traditional.

The girls have troubles with money, men and fashion.

But that hasn’t been done before, right?

Apparently the show is more realistic than SATC (fashions, apartments, eating out) but will anything ever beat the real thing?

Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
     That’s assuming the series ever makes it to Aus. Watch this space.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Want to get drunk fast?

Soak a tampon in vodka! No, I’m not kidding.

I heard about this craze randomly (swear to God, just stumbled across it) and was SO shocked to hear American teens are doing this to get drunk.

They grab a tampon, soak it in vodka and insert (yes, the normal way).


Apparently it absorbs straight to the bloodstream, so you don’t have to experience that burning sensation after shotting straight vods.

It gets you drunk, and you don’t have to take a sip of alcohol.

Oh! And just FYI – the boys are doing it to. And yep. It goes in exactly where you’re thinking.

Oh America...what will you think of next?

Here’s a more educational take on the issue:

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Savvy or lazy?

Do it naked. Do it in bed. Do it drunk. Do it sideways (difficult), or do it standing up. You can do it any way you want – and yes, of course I’m talking about online shopping!

Apparently we love it. Lucy in the Sky, the Iconic, Nasty Gal (just to name a few). Currently, more and more shoppers are turning away from the actual stores and turning to online. And why wouldn’t you? You can buy a whole new outfit without ever leaving the house. But lately this craze has got me thinking:

Are we obsessed with online shopping, or are we just lazy?

Think about it. You can shop without getting dressed, without running into a frenemy or an ex. You can do it without putting on make-up, without brushing your teeth. You don’t have to be hassled by pushy salespeople. You can avoid the crowds and lines and children. And it’s all delivered straight to your door.

Seriously, why even bother stepping into a department store?

Apparently, 85% of us would rather online shop than brave the real world. That leaves only 15% willing to actually do the old-fashioned shopping thing.

FIFTEEN PERCENT. Don't get me wrong, I’m completely for it and can spend hours trawling the online shops (they usually have better stuff than the shops anyway AND you don’t have to search through the ugly crap for what you want). But I think there’s something sad to be said about us if only 15% of us actually get off our asses and go to the mall.

What happened to trying things on, to going shopping with girlfriends and really making a day of it?

Maybe we’re too busy for things like that and would rather shop on our lunch break without actually moving. Maybe we’ve been pushed to the edge by salespeople who pounce on you as soon as you step out of the change room ‘OOOOOOOH, that looks great. Try this too! OMG and you have to have this!!!I$@%!@##!’ Or when you’re in the change room and hear them approaching and screech ‘YES I’M FINE EVERYTHINGS FINE OKAY THANKS!

Oh and those change rooms where the mirror is only on the outside!? Don’t even get me started.

Online shopping is God’s way of telling us to spend spend spennnnnnd. Because when you’re paying from your credit card, you can spend way more than you would if you had cash. Am I right, or am I right!

So go for it all you like, do it all day if you want! But (IMO), nothing beats that feeling when you’ve had a mammoth shopping day and you can proudly carry around all your bags and you’re all ‘oh hey look at me, I did just buy a million things for the cheapest price EVER. But nbd.’ (or is that just me?)

Check out these sites!
Nasty Gal (bad name, great clothes)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Revenge of the rangas

Redheads. Gingers. Rangas. Lindsay Lohan’s. Call them what you will, those feisty orange-haired ones are back!

But, in particular, Ed Sheeran is who this post is dedicated to friends! Named on my Facebook news feed (reputable source) as ‘the cutest ranga everrrr’ - it seems the world is obsessed with his music.

Seen the ‘Lego House’ music video? It’s good huh. It’s like one of those freakishly awesome things that make you go ‘whaaaaaaaaaaat’.

For those of you poor chums who have no idea WTF I’m talking about, here’s the vid:

Good old Ron Weasley confused audiences when this first came out – people thought he was Ed Sheeran. Lolwut.

Conversations by Nokia accused Sheeran’s use of the HP actor as a ploy to get the wizard fans to listen to his music. Awkward. If it was, then kudos to Ed - because it seems to have worked.

And yes! His first hit song (probably the one you associate him with) The A-Team was actually written after he met a prostitute.

Sheeran even developed a fan-base before being signed to a label. Pretty swifty move there mate.

Speaking of swifty, apparently he's been writing for T-Swift's new album. But...wait - does this mean she won't be singing songs about a breakup? Halle-freaking-lujah.

His first album sold 102,000 copies in its first week. Seems he’s 21 and unstoppable.

Look out world, this ranga is on the rise.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower: First Trailer

HP fans rejoice! Hermione is back! 

But this time our fave know-it-all is sporting a (questionable) American accent in the on-screen adaption of the 1999 novel by Stephen Chobsky in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

For those of you who have no idea what the hell I’m talking about (I know you’re reading this) here’s a brief summary:

The story follows 15-year-old Charlie (Logan Lerman) and his year as a high-school freshman. He’s an introvert (wallflower) who becomes friends with the attractive and rebellious senior, Sam (Emma Watson) and her openly-gay stepbrother Patrick (Ezra Miller). Sam and Patrick act as guides for Charlie, introducing him to people, drugs and parties.
He’s an awkward teenager trying to find where he fits in society (and let’s face it, who can’t relate to that?). A teenage whiz-writer, Charlie is constantly encouraged by his English teacher Bill (Paul Rudd) to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional writer.

The (almost A-list) supporting cast also includes the druggy daughter from Parenthood Mae Whitman (Mary-Elizabeth), the redhead from Private Practice Kate Walsh and Dylan McDermott as Charlie’s parents, the main chick from Vampire Diaries Nina Dobrev (Charlie’s sister Candace) and Zane Holtz (Charlie’s brother).

It's set for release in the US on 14 September 2012, Australia has no set date yet (typical).

Full trailer is here: